My Hyprocure Implant AKA Hyprocure Stent surgery blog

Hello! I am writing this blog to share my experience with the Hyprocure stent to correct my hyperpronation. I just had the surgery 10 days ago after researching various sources on the Internet and speaking to my podiatrist, one of the few surgeons who have performed this procedure in South Florida. To my dismay, there was very little information on the Internet by patients who had the procedure done, except for supposed “testimonials” on various podiatrists’ webpages. I hope this information will allow you to make an INFORMED decision. Thanks for participating!

My diagnosis

I have flat feet. Supposedly about 1 in 10 individuals have this condition. I was diagnosed with this at the age of 7, when I complained about aching feet after coming home from ballet class. Needless to say, my ballet career was shortlived. I guess my flat feet didn’t significantly affect me until recently. I am now 28 years old, and have engaged in an active lifestyle since the age of 18. I would wear my gym shoes about 4-5 hours a week at most, only during my workouts. Other than that, I sought to find “comfortable” yet fashionable shoes. I remember that my college roommate would strut off to class (a good half mile away at minimum) with her sexy 3″ heels, while I would always resort to flat shoes. Even when going out for a few hours, I would wear my high heels, to come home to hours (or couple of days) of pain.

I have been accostomed to this for quite a few years. Just 2 years ago, I moved to beautiful, sunny South Florida from Chicago, thereby increasing my wear of my flip flops and other sandals with minimum support. About 3 months ago after walking on the treadmill for about 30 minutes, my feet started to swell and I had shooting pains right in the middle of the arch of my foot. This happened on both feet, though definitely worse in my left heel. That swelling remained for about 7 days! In the meantime, my spouse and I were to pack and travel to SE Asia for some business. Those initial days, especially the flight there, were exceptionally painful. I would try my hardest to keep my feet elevated, however, the second that my feet would touch the floor, the swelling would return.

I came back, and about 4-5 weeks later, that swelling returned. I am not one to restfully relax for many days on end. The pain to my heels resulted in significant discomfort, physically and mentally. I iced my foot and even tried to bandage my foot, but neither of these worked. The second time around after the swelling had diminished, I paid my podiatrist a visit. I had seen him about a year ago, when I had similar shooting pains in my arch (minus the swelling). At that time, he had told me I was to wear my orthodics 100% of the time and should start wearing the Crocs Relief at home. The other option was to undergo the Hyprocure implant procedure to correct my hyperpronation. His disapproving tone reflected his annoyance at again repeating himself to what I am sure is quite common: another patient who complained without taking steps to fix the problem (i.e. wearing the orthodics 100% of the time).

I decided to go ahead and request a quote from the Insurance company. When at home, I sat and thought: can I wear sneakers 100% of the time? No. Can I wear Crocs at home though I find them ridiculously ugly? Sure (bought those right around then and have been wearing them for a good month and half) Can I withstand some pain to wear those sexy Manolos that I have in my closet but haven’t been able to wear for more than half hour? Yes.

A few days later, I was pleasantly surprised when I received a phone call from the doctor’s office to learn that my insurance company would be covering my procedure — get this, 100%! I talked to my husband, and we picked a couple of tentative dates and decided to go through with this procedure. In the meantime, I started my research. I read about the procedure, found the online videos showing what the procedure entails, etc. I was unable to find testimonials from patients, the only missing piece of the puzzle. In the meantime, I got all my “pre-op clearances” complete – the EKG, bloodwork, and Chest Xray. All came out positive.

I went to visit my doctor again and ask some questions about the procedure. I asked him how long he had been doing the procedure? He said over 2 years, and he had done 43 procedures since then (pretty impressive number). I asked him what percentage of patients were a success? He said that only one patient complained about discomfort months after the procedure. I asked him how long it would take before I worked out again? He said about 2 weeks, depending on tolerance. This included, he said, walking or biking, nothing high impact like running. He recommended at least 1 month between the doing the procedure for both feet. And he said, and this is probably what did the deal for me, that my feet would IMMEDIATELY show correction.

What he failed to tell me, is that I wouldn’t be able to walk for several days. He failed to tell me that I would require crutches for a few days, would have to wear a special boot to help relieve some of the pain off from my ankles, and that I would definitely need someone’s help for a few days. Lucky for me, I work from home and these restrictions haven’t been terrible. But I honestly can’t imagine what a normal person who goes to work would do in these circumstances. Maybe I was a bit naive, but my husband and I actually booked a trip to San Francisco only a week after surgery. I thought that though there would be some pain, I would be able to suck it up and enjoy my trip. 2 days before my trip, I was barely able to maneuver around the house independently, and we had to cancel our trip. Additionally, my husband who travels for work around the US, had to postpone his WORK trip that was to take place 2 days after the procedure, to a whole week later. Lucky for us, there were threats of a hurricane close by, and he was able to change the flight date without much difficulty or a change fee.

From hereon, I am tracking my progress from Surgery Day (day 1) onwards.

Day of Surgery (day 1, Friday)

We got to the hospital about 1.5 hours prior to the surgery. They were completely ready for us. Within just a few minutes, they checked us in, checked my insurance card, took me upstairs to change into my gown. Within an hour, I was all ready to go. The anesthesiologist came by and introduced himself. Within just a few moments, I was whisked away from my husband on the bed. I came upstairs to the room where they make you wait right before taking you into Outpatient Surgery. I met a nurse, who raved about the doctor (which made me feel really good). As she was talking, she put the IV into my arm and started the anesthesiology.

Next thing I knew, I was back to where I was with my husband earlier. My foot had a huge bandage around it and I wasn’t able to move my leg very well. There was no pain, as the anesthesia effects last about 6 hours. They give me this huge boot to wear over the bandage at the hospital. When we get home, I find to my dismay, that there is really no way to move around independently. My husband literally has to pick me up to take me to the bathroom. I am stuck on the couch. I take my ibuprofen 3 times that day, per recommended by my doctor. I keep my feet elevated on a pillow and keep icing my foot. Later that night, I sense throbbing, and I take 2 of the prescribed painkillers.

Day 2 (Saturday)

I wake up with a phone call from the doctor, asking if I am experiencing any pain. They said this day is the worst with pain and swelling. Luckily I don’t experience ANY pain in the morning. I take 2 ibuprofen first thing in the morning. The throbbing doesn’t start until about 5 pm, when I finally take a prescribed painkiller. I am still elevating and icing, and depending on my husband to move from room to room. I am not supposed to shower and get my bandage wet on this day, and just take it easy.

Day 3 (Sunday)

I sense some minor throbbing first thing in the morning. I take 2 ibuprofen first thing in the morning. I keep icing and elevating all day. The throbbing is still very rare. I try to put some weight on my left foot, and it really really aches. I sense that the tight bandage is contributing to some of my discomfort. This is the last day that I take the prescribed painkillers.

Day 4 (Monday)

Not much change in status. I start my day with 2 Ibuprofens again. Still immobile, except when my husband helps out. I take a shower sitting on a bucket upside-down in the bathtub. I am very careful to not get my bandage wet. I accidentally step on my foot a few times, and it really really hurts. I have to hop from room to room to get around by myself. I honestly didn’t realize that the pain that I feel when stepping on my left foot would be that intense. The only way the pain is minimized is if I wear the boot, but I still have to put some weight on it to walk around, which is extremely painful. I take another couple of Ibuprofen later in the day.

My husband wants to get out for a bit with me, but the little bit of walking around with the shoe is just too painful. We skip going out that night.

Day 5 (Tuesday)

I am supposed to have an appointment with my podiatrist about 3 pm. I call and change it to 11 am. This is the first time I leave my house since the surgery. Getting down the stairs to the car is extremely painful. When I walk, I have hubby walk to my left and put a lot of weight on him to offset walking on my left foot. When I get to the doctor, he removes my bandages. Luckily, there is very minimal swelling. There is just one small bandage covering the actual incision. After removing the heavy bandages, he puts this sock on that is supposed to compress my foot and minimize swelling. He also gives me one crutch that I should use on the right side, so that I am somewhat mobile without my husband. I find it really hard to balance on one side, never having used a crutch before. I find this only works if I hold my husband’s left hand and put weight on that. The crutch is on loan, and the doctor says that I should be able to wear normal shoes by the next appointment (next Wed.) and that I shouldn’t need the crutch by then. He says I should continue to elevate and put ice.

Day 6 (Wednesday)

We decide to get 2 crutches for us to use so that I can be self-sufficient. We scope out craigslist and pick a pair of crutches that night. I figure I can use this now and during the next surgery. I start moving around a little more freely with the boot and the crutch. I attempt to walk without the assistance of the crutch, but it is so painful and I can only do it for a few minutes. I keep continuing to start my day with the 2 ibuprofen. My husband and I decide to go out and get dinner this night. With much difficulty, I make it down the stairs to the car and even walk from the curbside to the door of the restaurant. Unfortunately these small steps just completely wipe me out, such that the walk from the car back to the stairwell just requires too much effort. My husband actually has to pick me up and take me from the car to the bottom of the stairwell. With much difficulty I make it upstairs. I am so done for the day!

Day 7 (Thursday)

Again starting the day with my drugs (2 ibuprofen). Keep icing and elevating. I decide to just TRY walking with the shoe for a few minutes, minus theΒ  crutch. It actually works! For the first time in 7 days, I am able to navigate about the apartment, pick up things my husband forgot, just be able to MOVE without assistance. It is really enpowering! I do it for 20 minutes, sit for an hour, and do it for another 20 minutes. Unfortunately those last 20 minutes is a bit too much, b/c every other step towards the end results in extreme pain to my poor left ankle. I can’t take it. I remove my shoe, and grab my 2 crutches and use that through the end of the night.

Day 8 (Friday)

Unfortunately I over-exerted the night before. I put on the shoe and try to walk, but every 2nd-3rd step really really hurts and I can’t take it. I take my usual 2 dose Ibuprofen and keep a low profile at home. I want to go out, since I am feeling really tired of being at home. We decide to go see a movie. I figured it shouldn’t be bad, as long as we pick a movie theatre that isn’t crazy packed. I am so glad we did. Husband drops me to the curb and helps me inside, and we walk the LONG walk to the last possible theatre inside. I am in a bit of pain, especially coming out but otherwise I am ok since I took it easy most of the morning. At the movie theatre, I find that removing the heavy boot really helps and I pick a seat where I can put my foot over the seat in front of me without disturbing anyone.

Day 9 (Saturday)

Every day is much better than the day before. I am able to walk around the apartment for 2 half-hour episodes with the boot, with minimal difficulty. I start my day with the ibuprofen. I ice and elevate for a few hours. I decide that I will be brave and plan a somewhat “normal” day. I plan for us to drive an hour south to Miami, where we will hang out, eat dinner, get some cafe cubano, and see a show. We make our way down there.

The biggest problem, I find, is getting up and off curbs. It really really hurts. I continue to have the same discomfort with stairs as I did before. I take my one crutch and wear my heavy boot. I hold hubby’s hand to help balance the other side. Because of the special treatment (getting dropped off right in front of the door), I am ok with the minimal walking from the door to wherever I need to go. During the 1.5 hour show, I remove my boot b/c the boot really weighs down my foot and causes discomfort. After quite a bit of walking (my longest time yet), I am actually okay! I even have enough energy to make my way up the stairs going home. Go me!

Day 10 (Sunday)

I wake up feeling good. Still starting my day with the 2 Ibuprofen. I have chicken in the fridge, and haven’t actually cooked for over a week (thanks to my sugary sweet husband). I actually take out stuff to make a nice curry and start my curry before my husband wakes up. I figure, I might as well optimize my strength b/c I can usually only go an hour or so on the boot before being exhaused. Yes, I can only walk with the boot, not on my bare left foot. I wear my Croc on my right foot.

I go get a massage, being careful that the masseuse doesn’t touch my left foot. I am so tight, especially on my upper back as a result of the crutches. I actually drive over there, and drive back without a problem. Everyone is appalled at the big boot which really looks scarier than it is. I figure I have another 3-5 weeks to total recuperation. I am really looking forward to being able to wear a normal shoe and put weight on my bare foot.

One plus: I stand up and shower today (so far have been sitting and showering). Though I am terrified of slipping, I brave it out. The worst part is getting in and out of the tub, since at no point I actually put 100% of my weight on my left leg. Thank god for regular tubs!

Day 11 (Monday)

Today was really good. Especially when comparing to yesterday. Yesterday ended on a really, really painful note. The doc had given me the compression sock. We washed it yesterday and stuck it in the dryer, and it shrunk. I put it on, but after experiencing discomfort for a few minutes, I removed it. This removal of the sock which was making me uncomfortable resulted in an excruciatingly painful cramp! And that cramp wouldn’t stop! I mean every time I went from flexing my foot to relaxing it, the cramp would restart. I was in such pain, I was in tears when getting up to go to the bathroom to wash up and go to bed. That pain lasted a good four hours! Not good! I went to bed after taking 2 more Advil, and didn’t move my foot from the only painless position I could find all night!

This morning, my foot felt a bit stiff and I was terrified the cramping would return. I resorted to crutches for a few hours, fearful of putting my weight on my foot, even with the boot. Late afternoon, I put on my boot and was totally fine, walking around to do some cleaning. I decided to shower (standing up) and to wash my hair. I was so scared of falling, as it was so hard to maneuver myself between reaching for shampoo and turning on and off the shower. Very carefully, I was very proud of myself and was nice and squeaky clean.

I wanted to get out of the house. For the first time in days, I walked the stairs by myself, taking a crutch just to be sure. I drove by myself and even got out and walked a few feet, without the crutch. Being able to walk without a crutch and without the assistance of another was such a wonderful accomplishment. My boot, of course, looked ridiculous with the dress I had on, but it was a small price to pay. All in all, was a great day!

Day 12 (Tuesday)

I am able to move around much more easily than I have yet, with the boot. I noticed that I am able to wear the boot longer and walk more without fatigue, even at the end of the night. I am almost pushing myself more and more each day, and I go to bed with a really achy foot, exhausted.

Day 13 (Wednesday)

Today is a busy day. I have plans to meet a friend for lunch, followed by a podiatrist appointment. Showering is less of a challenge for me today, which is really exciting. I just find that it takes me a whole hour to through the shower/getting dressed/drying my hair routine, where it used to take me 40 minutes.

All in all, I am out of the house for 4 hours consecutively. My foot hurts a bit today, even with the boot. Because I have been pushing myself more, I find myself moving a bit slower than I have in the recent days. I park in an adjacent parking lot to the restaurant, and find my way (slowly but steadily) inside. My friend and I have a delightful lunch together in a restaurant overlooking the beautiful Atlantic Ocean and beach.

I go to the podiatrist, and when removing the boot, he says everything looks great. My foot is exactly as it is supposed to be, except my foot is bending forward (in a relaxed state), where it should really be perpendicular to the floor if stretched out in front in me. He has me stand on both feet, which I am able to do. He asks me to walk forward (barefoot), which of course I am not able to do. He asks me how the boot is working, and I say it’s okay and that I am grateful to have something I am able to walk with but it is really really heavy and thus I get tired wearing it. He gives me this alternative, a shoe with velcro straps on top and toes exposed, almost resembling soccer cleats without the “cleat” bottoms. He asks me to walk in them. Excited to have an alternative, I take a step forward, putting 100% of my weight on my left foot. I gasped from the pain. This is very close to a regular shoe, which I am not able to wear at all. I take it with me, but clearly I am not ready to walk with it yet. I slip back into my heavy boot, and go home.

That night, I have my crutches that I use when I get tired from wearing the boot. I say to myself, what I were to take a step forward on my left foot, with the aid of the crutch? I try it and it works. I put my left crutch aside, and walking close to the walls of my apartment and still utilizing the right crutch, I start taking steps! I felt like a child taking her first steps. I feel so happy for my small, yet very significant accomplishment! Excited, I call my mother and tell her. I can tell by her voice that she is so excited. I walk around for about 10-15 minutes, and decide that I want to be able to continue the next day.

Day 14 (Thursday)

I wake up excited to walk around. When getting out of bed, I walk on my bare feet (both of them), using the right crutch for balance. My ankle hurts, and I pop my 2 ibuprofen right away. I walk using my Crocs Relief for a few minutes, and then try the shoe the doctor gave me. I walk much of the day without my crutches. I prefer to stay close to walls, in case I need support, but I am so excited to be walking WITHOUT THE BOOT!

My fear is walking on the stairs without the boot outside, so when I leave for my scheduled chriopractor appointment, I walk with my boot. I find it so much easier to walk with the boot today, than even yesterday. My chiropractor, who had seen me last week, notices the ease in my movements right away. I even go for a nice, long 45 minute drive after my appointment, feeling great!

That night when my husband comes home, I am in the kitchen wearing my 2 Crocs. He is so happy to see me walking around, that he gives me a huge hug and kiss! I feel elated and accomplished!

Day 15 (Friday)

I feel braver today. I want to try walking with my lighter shoe that the podiatrist gave me. But because I have been walking the last 24 hours on my foot minus the boot, my ankle hurts today. I end up taking Ibuprofen even in the afternoon, which I haven’t been doing. My husband and I get lunch today, and I decide to wear the boot b/c walking is a bit more painful today. I even stop on the way to pick up something from the drug store and walk in and out. I am walking a bit slower today, but I am grateful at my attempt to run an errand (my first in 2 weeks!)

We get lunch, and I come home and relax for a few hours. In the evening, we go out, and I walk wearing the lighter shoe! This is the first time I walk the stairs with it. To minimize the pressure, I hold on to both banisters and take a step with the right foot, and follow with the left. Coming back up, holding the banisters helps and again I walk with the right foot leading each step. But going up is harder, where you still have to hold your left foot down to balance yourself, and I am able to do this. I have walked using my lighter shoe for 3 hours and I am still standing! I am BEYOND exhausted, but happy that I have walked that long! The rest of the night, I use both of my crutches. Today was my “free-est” day yet! =)


I am walking around much easier. I still look funny when I walk, as if I am walking using the outside of my foot. By Saturday/Sunday I am in regular shoes, though picky which ones I can use. I find my Columbia sportswear to be the only shoes I can wear for a few days. Flip flops are very hard to wear, as they bear no support for my feet. Sneakers are wearable (I go to the gym for the first time in weeks). Heels are definitely out of the question. Each day feels better and better. There is still swelling but minimal overall.

It turns out that one of the samples from my surgery site came out with a slight infection. The doctor prescribes antibiotics, which I am to to finish and take 2x a day for a week.


I am going out of town for the next 10 days, and they are to be busy ones. I have a high school reunion weekend fest planned exactly 4 weeks from the date of the surgery, and an engagement party 5 weeks post-op. I go to visit my mom, usually trips that are pretty active (going to the gym, the mall, just being out of the house). I go to the mall a couple of times but have to be super-conscious of parking close by, using elevators instead of stairs and overall walking minimally. I find it really really hard and quite restrictive.

My parents see me after the surgery for the first time. They are concerned by my “not walking properly” and ask when I will walk normally again. I am not sure what to tell them. I am feeling quite despondent about the slow recovery, truly expecting to be able to go on regular walks at this point.


I am in Chicago this week, again usually filled with lots of walking, activity, hanging around downtown late nights with friends. The plus is that my friends don’t notice my “walking funny”. It is still there but definitely not as noticeable. One major “downer” is that I have a super cute dress for the engagement party, but not able to wear high heels with it. Again I expected to be able to wear the high heels (which there are MANY) by this point.

I am super-worried about the surgery, which is to happen one week from now, exactly 6 weeks from the date of the surgery. Do I still want to go through it? I have to move out of the country exactly 4 weeks from the date of the 2nd surgery, and my weeks after the 2nd surgery will be filled with packing and other energy-consuming activity.

I give my podiatrist a call, voicing my concerns. He says again that recovery differs from person to person. He definitely recommends being 100% recovered on one foot before proceeding to the next foot and is happy to answer any questions I may have. I had a bit of a reaction due to the type of suture (the dissolvable kind), and also an infection from the sample sent to the lab. He hopes that by using the typical, nylon suture which needs to be removed, I won’t have trouble with the 2nd incision site. He says often patients find the second surgery to be easier b/c they know what the expect. I tell him I will wait it out a few more days (which would be Monday before surgery) to make my final decision.


I get a call from the nurse on Tuesday morning (I have a pre-op appointment with the doctor on Wed) to verify that I still want to go through with surgery. I verify yes. Turns out the weekend got better and better! The not “rolling my feet” is more and more subtle and I definitely feel much stronger. I am a bit concerned whether my first foot will be able to handle the weight of my second, but considering my move and all I decide to go through with it, because I know that there just won’t be another time in the future. I hope to get pregnant soon (was waiting for both of the surgeries to be complete), and I am sure I won’t have the luxury with a small child to be off my feet for 3-6 weeks. As the surgery date approaches I have some anxiety but overall I feel that it’s a good idea I will go through with surgery.

By this point, I am going to the gym, still not walking but doing pilates, weights, and biking. Also I am walking around in flip flops and everyday flat shoes. Most heels are not okay, but I do happen to manage one pair of Franco Sarto 2.5″ heels that I can actually wear! I am not sure how that works, but it definitely does. No complaints here! Unfortunately I discover this 2 days before surgery!

Second foot surgery, here I come!

February 19, 2009 (5 mos after surgery 1, 4 mos after surgery 2)

I apologize for not keeping up with blog. I am extremely surprised and pleased at the questions that I have received in response to my ad. Please view the comments below the blog…

Second foot surgery was a great success! I had a minor infection on the 1st foot that was a response to the dissolving suture (1st patient of my doctor to respond in such a manner). The second surgery, in which traditional sutures were used (that had to be removed by the podiatrist), was SO much better. I was actually walking around my house in Crocs in about a week, and in normal shoes in less than 2 weeks. I also felt braver and not scared that the stent would come out if I put weight on my foot (crazy but true)…

It took me about 2 mos after the 2nd surgery to get to the point where I was able to go on walks/get on a treadmill. Here I am months later, and most days I forget I went through with the procedure! Is it worth it, you may ask? I say definitely. If I had been the girl that would have been loyal to her orthodics everyday, I would have probably never gone through with this procedure. I was told the surgery was 100% covered, but many more bills came in from the anesthesiologist, the hospital outpatient room, and such. It will take us a WHILE to pay all that back. Find out as best as you can what the cost is to you! But for someone who knew that orthodics weren’t the solution for her, this surgery definitely was!

I still sense some minor discomfort in the morning for just a couple of minutes. I take 1 ibuprofen daily first thing, and then I am walking about for hours, no problem. I can wear flats and go shopping for hours or wear heels for a decent amount of time without discomfort. I recently saw my mom, who has Plantar Fascitis. The doctors had told me w/o this surgery, PF would be inevitable. I was actually able to walk around LONGER than her, WITHOUT pain, and though I felt tired after hours of walking around, she was still in pain the next day whereas I had NO pain! So yes, it has made my day-to-day much better!

What I would say to anyone who is exploring this option – weigh the following: 1) financial cost. Even if the insurance company says it is 100% covered, is it really? Only my 1st surgery was covered…2) Recovery time – do u have the flexibility to work from home or take off 2 weeks or so after each surgery? 3) Care – I wouldn’t have been able to do this without a caretaker type (my husband) for at least the 1st week after surgery. Yes it is THAT hard to walk around, even with the boot, for at least a week or 2. Also, you need to ice, potentially take pain meds (I didn’t after the 1st 2 days), avoid salty foods, etc. Not to mention driving home post-op. 4) A good doctor is so necessary! Don’t hesitate to ask all questions you may have. This is a relatively new procedure, so find out how many patients he has operated on, and make sure you are satisfied with that number! Some patients just don’t respond well to the procedure, unfortunately…

February 26, 2010

Hello everyone! It’s a year and half since I have had the first surgery done and almost that long since my second foot! I am still getting questions and comments from people like YOU with regards to the procedure! I appreciate all of your comments! To everyone who is wondering how I am doing — Β I am doing really great! NO residual pain or side effects, I felaly feel that my surgery was worthwhile! Β Last year was incredible, where I was blessed with the opportunity for lots of travel. I have trekked through Australia, parts of Europe and the Middle East, meaning long days on my feet. During these trips I usually wear “practical” shoes, but NO orthodics and very little if ANY back pain! No pain in the knees, ankles or anywhere else! And when I wake up the next morning, any aching (from just walking for many hours) – GONE!

I honestly, honestly can say that I have a better quality of life today compared to before the procedure! In fact, most days, I actually forget that I ever had the surgery at all! Any soreness in the ankles in the morning that I had the first few weeks after the surgery have disappeared – I can literally jump out of bed, walking around barefoot, spend the entire day in flip flips and life is great! I went to see a chiropractor recently, and he said my feet are not 100% corrected and he recommends wearing “practical” shoes like Birkenstocks or those with better arch support, but honestly most days I don’t and it’s fine!

I hope you have found this blog helpful! Please continue to post your comments and questions on my blog and get advice from each other! I hope I have set the foundation for somewhat of a little community that has undergone the same experience! As always if you have any questions or comments, feel free to email at anytime! Thanks again for you participation!



72 Responses to “My Hyprocure Implant AKA Hyprocure Stent surgery blog”

  1. Mr WordPress Says:

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  2. Matthew K. Says:

    Hi, I was hoping to hear more about your overall impression of the procedures (hyprocure). I have pronation in one foot and I am considering this procedure to improve the quality of my life, as im only 24 and sick of the pain 😦 I have concerns and wonder if (hyprocure) is a practical option. Ok looking forward to hearing from you and wish you luck!


    • Karishma M. Says:

      Hi. Thanks so much for reading my blog! I apologize for the delay in response. Have you gone forth with this procedure? Please email me at, and I would love to correspond with you. I wish someone had told me about the recovery time initially. The first foot took a good 3 weeks to get to walking normally, and much longer to get on a treadmill/go for walks. I scheduled my surgeries only 6 wks apart from one another, and surprisingly the recovery on my other foot to walk in regular shoes was about 10 days! I think I felt much braver and more adventurous/less cautious with the 2nd foot. In retrospect, I was extremely skeptical, asked tons of questions and was apprehensive overall b/c it is a new procedure. I would DEFINITELY recommend it again! As long as you are ready to face the initial recovery time (the pain was over in less than 2 days post-op), you will be great! I was anticipating a move abroad and was working from home at the time, so my day-to-day situation was ideal for recovery. Again if you can make arrangements for telecommuting for at least a week or ideally 2, that would be best. I don’t know what i would’ve done if i had to walk on crutches or the horrible “boot” right off the bat…

      Here I am, 5 months after the 1st foot and 4 months after the 2nd, and except for a little bit of discomfort when first awakening (I pop one ibuprofen into my mouth even now in the morning), I am fine. I am able to walk around for HOURS (trust me this is a first) and have little or no pain at night, and none the next morning! I am also able to get on a treadmill no problem, and have been since late December….I would love to hear from you. I have had a very busy few months, and apologize for the delay!


  3. ABBM Says:

    Mr. WordPress,
    Thanks for your detailed blog. My daughter has a hyprpronated feet and we are considering HyproCure procedure. As you said there is no much patients blog and talk forum on the subject. Thus I will appreciate to hear your opinion on the procedure, your recovery so far, and wether you recommend it for other people or not.

    • karishop Says:

      Hi. I am new to this blogging, so I am not sure if you are able to read the response that I sent to the reader above. I would definitely recommend it! Trust me, I was the most skeptical patient, asked dozens of questions to the point where my doctor was sick of them, and apprehensive way after the 1st procedure. I also had a few (minor) complications with the dissolving sutures on the first foot which increased my recovery time to about 3 months to the point where I was in normal shoes and walking “normally”. We did more traditional sutures on my 2nd foot, and though the scar on the 2nd foot is a bit more visible, the recovery time was about only a week long! I think part of that was me being more brave, a bit more adventurous, etc. The most important thing is to have a GOOD foot doctor! Ask him how many patients he had done this procedure with – I felt better knowing that my foot doctor had done this same procedure with his own son! That’s kind of convincing, don’t u think?

      How old is your daughter? On one hand if she is young, she can potentially wear orthodics for a while. Podiatrists vary on whether orthodics may correct hyperpronation, so if that is a feasible option for her, by all means do that! I lived in FL, wearing flat shoes and sandals, so I NEVER wore my orthodics during the 2+ years I lived there! So in a way, had i not done the procedure, I would eventually have Plantar Facscitis (my mom has it, and believe it or not, my feet now post-op are MUCH better than hers!) Also I am trying to get pregnant, and they say balance gets much worse in pregnant women so the ideal time was to have the surgeries back to back so I would be able to go through with the anesthesia during surgery.

      I kind of went into the surgery thinking I’d be into my shoes walking around in a week, which definitely wasn’t the case. It took me about 3 weeks for the 1st foot to be walking somewhat normally (though i definitely couldn’t get on a treadmill till a couple of months later), however 2nd foot was about 10 days, much faster! I also had the good fortune of working from home, so I know that the recovery would have been much tougher had i needed to wake up and go to work immediately. If your daughter is young, definitely do it over summer break, to allow ample recovery time without the headache of walking around school…

      Here i am about 5 mos post-op first foot and 4 mos post-op 2nd foot, and except for very mild discomfort 1st thing in the morning (I take one ibuprofen first thing), except for the minor scar, I have forgotten about the surgery! I am able to go to the gym or go for long walks for an hour, no problem, and walk around the mall for 4-5 hours in my flats with no pain (that is definitely a first for me)! I am so happy to know that my blog has helped people. Please write to me and let me know what you are thinking. I would love to help you out further if need be.


  4. Kelli Gerrity Says:


    Thanks for your day by day account of your procedure. You are right, there is nothing out there besides the testimonials. I am considering this for my 16 year old daughter. He feet are so bad that her knees touch. I guess the best question to ask is was it worth it and would you do it again after going through it and seeing the results?


  5. Darlene Says:

    Thanks for sharing this as I am considering this surgery . I am wondering if it both surgeries were worth it . And how are you now ? Do you recomend this surgery? Any feed back would be helpfull.

    • karishop Says:

      Hi! I definitely recommend it! Just be mindful of the recovery time. The doctors say you’ll be on ur feet in normal shoes immediately, however that isn’t exactly the case! It took me 3 wks to walk around after the 1st foot and 10 days after the 2nd foot. It took me about 2 mos or so to get on a treadmill post-op. They say recovery time varies, but it is important to be mindful of the possible recovery time.

      It is 5 mos post-op 1st foot and 4 mos post-op 2nd foot, and I am great! I am so glad i went through with it! I told my doc to send all other skeptical patients my way! I am able to wear flats, and wear them for HOURS without problem (I couldn’t before at all)! Thought I am not strutting around in high heels, i can wear them longer than I used to. I guess some people aren’t made for high heels. And I can go on hour-long walks, no problem! My feet post-op are so much better than my mom’s feet. She has plantar fascitis (PF) and one of the reasons I went through with it was so I wouldn’t suffer with the condition!

      I’d be happy to answer any of your questions. Shoot me an email at, and keep me posted on what you decide! Good luck!


  6. Roxanne Says:

    Hi Kari,

    I’m going through this procedure right now. Just had my left foot done and will have the right foot done in 7 days. There are definitely a few things your doctor should have done to make your recovery (especially after the first procedure) a lot easier. First, my doc inserted an anti-inflammatory steroid capsule under the incision, which began to work 12 hours after the surgery and is supposed to work for about 48 hours (and it has worked very well). Second, I was given Celebrix to take for 15 days after the surgery, and instructed to take 2 capsules the night before the surgery. This made a huge difference in the amount of swelling and pain that I had (which has been minimal–but I do have a high tolerance for pain…). I was given a perscription for percaset in case I needed it, but I’ve only taken a few pills so far (the second day after surgery). I did have the surgical boot on my foot for the first 36 hours after the surgery, just until the compression bandage came off. After that my doctor said no to the boot and absolutely no to crutches (as it hinders natural walking gate too much). I was also instructed to start walking on the foot within 24 hours of the procedure. My doc is of the opinion that the sooner you start walking (without crutches), the faster you heal and the faster your body adjusts to the stent. I think he was right on the money. Walking soon after the procedure has kept the ankle joint from getting too stiff and has actually kept the pain level down to just a bothersome level.

    I was also instructed to ICE ICE ICE the foot, 20 minutes every hour for the first 24 hours (except when sleeping) and then 20 minutes every 2-3 hours until I no longer have inflammation and swelling. The icing has also kept the pain at bay enough so that I can walk.

    Lastly, I was told that once I use up the celebrex to take 600-800mg of ibuprofen as needed (up to 3 times a day, with food so that it doesn’t upset my stomach); this is three to four 250mg pills (or one 800mg pill if given a prescription). I don’t think you were taking enough ibuprofen to keep the inflammation down and decrease pain enough to walk. 500mg of ibuprofen once or twice day does absolutely nothing for surgical pain. Also, you don’t mention that you were icing your foot at regular intervals, so that could have also contributed to the longer recovery of the first procedure.

    So far, I’ve been pretty happy with results. It’s 3 days after the first procedure, and I’m out of the boot and walking somewhat normally (a little limping in the morning until I ice the foot and the stiffness goes away). I’m also wearing my CroxRx Clouds (better shock absorption for the ankle and heel) with my orthotics and the pain has been at best pretty tolerable and at worse just annoying.

    I also recommend for those who have this procedure that you start swimming or doing some kind of aquatic exercise before the procedure and as soon as you can after the procedure. This low-impact exercise is great for developing ankle flexibility (makes recovery a lot easier). It also stretches out sore back, hip, leg, and foot muscles and relieves tension and pain in these areas caused by not only flat feet but also by the corrections placed on your body by the stent.

  7. Roxanne Says:

    I also forgot to mention that I’ve been bandaging my ankle up with an ace bandage during the day while I walk (and I’m not doing a whole lot of walking. I started with just 15 minutes of walking 2-3 times a day, and now I can walk for about 90 minutes). My doc also advised me to either use a compression sock or an ankle brace once I get more mobile.

    What pain I do feel kinda feels like a sprained ankle, but once the meds kick in a the stiffness eases, the pain eases up.

    For those who are considering this surgery, especially for their kids: DO IT; DO IT; DO IT.

    I’m almost 31 years old, and I’ve had flexible flat feet and all the pain that goes with it my WHOLE life (congenital for me). My parents never even considered doing anything about this (not even orthotics growing up) even though I always complained about foot, knee, back, and leg pain. I couldn’t even participate in sports because running and anything high impact was just too painful. If you do nothing, your child/children will pay for it later–in more ways than one!

    for Kari: you might want to consider tagging this blog as “hyprocure implant” as well as “hyprocure stent”. My first google search for this procedure was as “hyprocure implant” as that’s what my doc called it and what the brochure referred to it as well. Your blog only pops up when you google “hyprocure stent.”

    • karishop Says:

      Thanks so much, Roxanne. I have changed the title of this blog. I forgot to mention the ibuprofen initially and the icing. I was icing quite a bit when I started. I had the ice on 20 min every hour for the first 4-5 days and ice every time I sat down thereafter for another week at least. I was advised to take 2 ibuprofen every 3-4 hours, so i was up to 800-1000 mg/day. Doc didn’t tell me about the celebrex. Additionally i was using ankle compression socks initially for at least 2 mos after the surgery, which helped drastically! Thanks for the reminders. I was so focused on the day-to-day recovery, I forgot about the compression socks which I constantly wore.

      I am glad that your recovery is going so well! I had been so much more optimistic about the surgery if my mobility was as good as yours. People’s tolerance to pain does vary, however, and though I believe I have a strong threshold to pain, putting the weight on my ankle was too much for me to bear. It did take me over a week each time to get to get to the point where I was able to put my full weight on my foot post-op. I ask whomever reads this blog, to consider worst and best-case scenarios, for the “typical response” may not be the way your body responds…

      Thanks for all the input, to everyone who has commented so far, and I look forward to much more interaction in the future! Best xx

  8. ABBM Says:

    Thanks Kari,

    I completely undrestood your first blog and your second post. Again thanks a millions. My daughter has a hyperpronated feet. It looks really bad, but she doesn’t have pain (she does not complain) unless she is on her foot for long time. But the way she walks is very wierd, I think she just got used to it inorder to avoid the discomfort. By the way she is 12 and we live in the middle east. We don’t have any such specialists to evaluate her, but her orthopidists (2 docs) suggested orthotics and she was using customade one for about 18 months. It actual increased the pain and the doc. decided to let it go, and put a overthecounter orthotics, with this one she doesn’t have much pain. What the doctors say is with her feet, the orthotics won’t bring any improvement, but it may help from getting worse. They suggested surgery, but I wouldn’t dare do that, b/c it is too complicated and the recovery time is too long. So I am checking my options. Hyprocure seems the best one in the market now days. I already contacted a surgon in New York and I have the breakdown price etc. But I am still wondering if this is worth the money (I am paying from my pocket, and it is kind of expensive for me including the traveling and acommodation expense). Would it make a difference? Would it change the way she walks? Would it improve the pronation? This is why I am gathering info from people who has actually done the procedure. I will appreciate if you can comment on the above questions too.

    • hyprocurefeet Says:

      Hi ABBM,

      I recently had the Hyprocure surgery and it has helped me a lot. I was about ten when my left foot became noticably worse. It didn’t hurt very much for me to walk on it either at the begining, but it got worse over they years (I’m 24 now).

      Why don’t you try contacting sugeons in Canada? It’s not covered here by our medical either- I had to pay for it myself. It was $2500, is this cheaper than in the US?

      If you email me ( I can give you the name of the podiatrist who did my surgery. He’s very nice and could probably help you.

      I know what it’s like to have hypropronated feet and I really hope your daughter is able to get this done.

  9. Kelli Gerrity Says:

    Hi Kari,

    Thanks for all of your feedback on your procedure, but we have decided not to proceed with this for MacKenzie at this point. After seeing a couple of other doctor’s, one being an orthopedic surgeon, everyone feels that it should not be done on a child and to wait for this procedure to be around for a few more years. I am happy to hear that you are doing so well and that it was worth it, but MacKenzie does not feel pain, so even though she has severe hyperpronation and has developed bunions because of this, there is no urgency to get this done now.

    Thanks again,

  10. Roxanne Says:

    I just had my second foot implanted (the right foot) this past Monday. I did get crutches just to keep too much weight off of my still recovering left foot. I’m counting the days till I can get back into the pool and start swimming again. I’ll be able to stretch out my ankles and work the legiments and tendons out a bit. The incision site on my left foot is almost completely healed, and the minor soreness I’m feeling is more due to the tendons and such that I’ve never used before finally being used. Still icing, taking Celebrex (I ill switch to Advil in a few days one the Celebrex runs out), and bracing the left ankle for more stability.

    I’ve still got the compression bandage on the right foot, but will probably take it off this evening.

    I’ve decided to take short term disability and medical leave from my main job because I expect to be out for about 3-4 more weeks (and they won’t allow me to return until I have a full work release from my doctor).

    So far, I’m still very happy to get this done and over with because the pain from the over pronation was just getting to be too much to take (and I wore my orthotics ALL of the time, and they did very little for me).

    Right now, I’d rather have the pain from the surgeries than from the over pronation!

  11. ABBM Says:

    Thanks for your post. Keep us updated on your progress. Specially the improvement on the pronation. By the way, had the pronation affected the way you walk? My daugter has this funny way of walking (folding her knees) and I think it is b/c she doesn’t feel supported on her ankles. Her pronation is bad, and she has fallen arches. But so far the pain is not that bad except when she has to be on her feet for too long. Also she can not run, she looks like a todler when she tries to do so. I just want to check if you had similar problems, and also to know if this procedure will help in improving those issues. By the way, where do you live? I am thinking of a doctor in New York and woould love to hear if anyone has been treated by him.


  12. Roxanne Says:

    Hi ABBM,

    You’re daughter’s over-pronation is very bad, and regardless of what she isn’t telling you, I can promise it is affecting her in a very negative way. My condition wasn’t so severe that I was walking funny, but doing anything on my feet, even walking for very short periods of time, was agony.

    However much pain I was in, I very rarely complained about it because, really, who wants to hear about it? I bet your daughter is in more pain and discomfort than she is admitting. And if she can’t run around and be active like her friends are, that’s a very bad thing. I wouldn’t wait much longer to have something done about it. Have you actually had your daughter evaluated for the Hyprocure procedure? What does this doctor say?

    It’s 18 days post-op for my left foot and 11 days post-op for my right foot. Both feet are recovering well. The sprained ankle feeling is receding in my left foot and I’m able to walk fairly well on my left foot. I am still using crutches though for my right foot, and the sprained ankle feeling is definitely there on the right ankle, but it is tolerable for me. I’ve got about another 5 days with the crutches, just to make sure I don’t fall on my face, and then I can phase them out of use while walking.

    Next Tuesday I can start swimming again, and I’m really looking forward to that, as it will speed up my recovery significantly (a good type of physical therapy for the ankles).

    My arches are just now starting to form in both feet while standing. This is a gradual process as the tendons and ligaments in the foot and ankle readjust and the bones and joints realign themselves to the correct position.

    I had my first post-op appointment with the doctor yesterday. He took x-rays, and we compared them to the pre-op x-rays of my feet and ankles before the surgery. The difference was pretty amazing. The bones and joints are in much better alignment than they were pre-op, and the alignment will continue to improve as I adjust to the implants.

    I won’t be able to do anything high impact like running, jumping, etc for about 4-6 months, but walking won’t be any problem as the sprained ankle syndrome recedes and I become more tolerant of standing, etc. I’ll be able to go back to work full-time in 3-4 weeks.

    I had both feet done a week apart so that I could return to work as soon as possible. I know most doctors suggest waiting till one foot is fully recovered before doing the next, but I honestly couldn’t wait that long. Not only because of my work situation, but because the pain of the over-pronation was just too much for me to tolerate any longer. I wanted both ankles done and over with so that I could just concentrate on recovery.

    I’m still icing both ankles about 3-4 times a day and taking advil (600-800 mg) as needed (about 3 times a day). While I still have to use crutches, I don’t keep myself stuck at home (except yesterday and today because of a blizzard going on–hard to navigate through heaps of snow with crutches). With the crutches I can go out and be somewhat active for about 3-4 hours before I get tired and my ankles get too sore.

    I definitely did rely on my husband quite a bit, especially for the first week after each surgery. And because of the crutches, he does have to help with cooking and what not. He hasn’t considered this to be too much of a burden though, probably because I make an effort to do what I can.

    In retrospect, would I do this again? Absolutely. Would I recommend this procedure to others? Absolutely! It’s the least invasive procedure to correct this type of condition. It was either the Hyprocure procedure or a complete reconstruction that would have involved tendon transfers, bone grafts, casting, and months of recovery, physical therapy, and pain! No thanks!

    Oh, as to where I live: Denver, Colorado. My doctor is Joseph E. Mechanick at the Colorado Foot Institute.

  13. ABBM Says:

    Hi Roxanne,

    Thanks a lot for the detailed feedback. If we decide to go ahead with hyprocure, the earlies we can do is in Sept. I will keep in touch with you after a while to see how you have progressed. I have appointment to see a podeiatrist in the summer to get a final evaluation and then I will decide based on his input. The orthopodists here is in the opinion that she absolutely needs the surgery, so I believe she is a good candidate for hyprocure. I am sending the digital x-rays to the doctor in NY for his evaluation too.

  14. Roxanne Says:

    Quick update on my recovery: I’m about 9 weeks post-op now, and I’m almost totally recovered from the surgeries. I went back to work full-time about 7 weeks after surgery. Full time work for me is four 12-hour shits in a row, then 3 days off. I’m a pastry chef/baker and I spend about 10-11 hours on my feet. The first week back to work was pretty damn tough. Turned out that my left ankle was still pretty weak (even after 4 weeks of swimming and working the ankles), so it hurt almost constantly that first week back. I had to get some more Celebrex from my doctor (which helped a lot). I also had to ice my ankles a lot during that first week.

    Standing for long periods of time and walking is getting easier and easier as time goes on.

    One strange thing I’ve noticed is that my feet seem to be more sensitive now, probably because all of the nerves have shifted, and they are kind of in a frazzled state at the moment. They “fall asleep” easily and are sensitive to seems in socks and shoes. My doctor told me that this sensitivity would lesson as time went on, and would probably be gone in about 6-8 months.

    I also ended up having a reaction to the dissolvable sutures in my right ankle (but not the left ankle–go figure), so now i am using this prescription anti-inflammatory cream to relieve the itching and rash and help the sutures finish dissolving.

    I am wearing most kinds of shoes, but find I need a little bit of height in the heel and more shock absorption in the heel as well, so no completely flat shoes, and I’m wearing heel pads in my shoes (Dr. Scholls for her, which fit most of my shoes) to help relieve the sensitivity in my heels.

    Oh, and because I have to spend so much time on my feet at work, I am wearing new orthotics just to help keep the foot stable, and I only have to wear them in my work shoes–which is fine by me.

    All in all, still glad I had the surgery, and besides that first week back to work, the recovery period has been pretty smooth.

  15. John Says:

    Hi Kari and Roxanne and all,

    I have had the hyprocure surgery on my right foot 1/30/09. it has been 4 mos and i still have soreness and pain and can’t walk or stand for long periods of time. Just like before.
    I would like to know for you what size stent was used for you. Mine was a 7 and i feel that maybe i needed more correction like a 8 or 9. The foot still has pronation, not as much but i think it could be alot less. My doctor says he didnt want to over correct and make it to ridged. So, i’m waiting a bit longer before doing the left foot. Again would like to know what size implant you have received. Thanks for any info.

    • karishop Says:

      John, I responded to you via email but I thought I would put up a response on the blog as well so others can monitor your success. This pain doesn’t sound “normal” at all, and in fact it sounds worrisome.

      I am not positive of the size stent, but now that I think about it I think it was 7, and now there is no longer signs of hyperpronation. I really would recommend getting a second opinion. Any good podiatrist that does this surgery should be able to perform an x-ray and detect what went wrong and what to do for the next surgery. Please let me know what you find out. Thanks!

  16. Drapeguy Says:

    Hi All,

    This is my first reply to a blog…ever! But, I have been monitoring this thread for a while. Karishopper’s blog of her Hyprocure procedure and rcovery has been incredibly helpful and interesting for me. I, too, and a flat foot who had sought to stop the advancement of a right foot bunion caused my my flexible flat foot. ( Left foot is flat too, but , no bunion)
    Anyway, in my search for solutions I cam upon Hyprocure stents. When I looked at how much improved alignment helped those people, I thought it would be great for me. Found a skilled DPM and confirmed that I was a good candidate…Fast forward eight weeks to today.. I am nine days out from my bunionectomy and right foot hyprocure implant operation. So far, I getting along very well, again, your blog helped me prepare and know what to expect along my way. The one thing I guess I’m troubled by is that my arch, though not pronating nearly as much as before, still looks relatively flat. I looked at as many before and after images of this preocedure as I could find and it seemed to me that there was such a dramatic improvement, cosmetically, to the patients arches. I used to ba able to self correct my arches and they looked normal and strong, so, I suppose I expected that that is how they’d look post op. But, to my disappointment, even with stent in place, I still look like I have duck foot.
    I notice something that Roxamme said about her “arches are beginning to form” Perhaps she’ll reply to this.. Is that to say the my arch appearance may gradually improve, or is what I have what I will get and that’s that. I guess I just got a bit excited to have normal looking as well as normal working feet. The images I saw, and there were many, that made it seem like this was the result I would have too. Perhaps when all the swelling is gone and tendons adjust they’ll look better. But, right now, from what I see, I doubt it. Tell me, does the arch improve over time and healing or is this pretty much that way it is going to be?

    Thanks, hoep you reply..

  17. karishop Says:

    Hi Drapeguy! Thanks so much for your reply to my blog! I am very excited to have new bloggers like you participate. I wish everyone well that is reading this or has experienced or thinking about experiencing this surgery. As you can see, many that have commented have achieved success with this surgery.

    Drapeguy, I can honestly tell you that my feet LOOK different before and after surgery. In fact, I didn’t recognize my feet initially after the surgery. I didn’t have the “duck feet”, but they were significantly flat before and visibly so. After the surgery, they look like nice normal feet, the kind you see in the Dr. Scholls “gelling” commercial :). I still have a little bit of the toes grasping the floor thing, and I am very cognizant of this when walking barefoot. The slight soreness I had first thing in the morning has now disappeared completely.

    My feet don’t look any different today, 6-8 mos after the surgery, than did right post-op. As expressed with the email I sent you, I don’t know what size stent was used on me, but I haven’t yet expressed any pain that I have attributed to dislocation of the stent or wrong size stent.

    I hope someone else reading this blog is able to respond to your comment. I wish you the best of luck again.

  18. karishop Says:

    Hi Drapeguy! Thanks so much for your reply to my blog! I am very excited to have new bloggers like you participate. As you can see, many that have commented have achieved success with this surgery.

    Drapeguy, I can honestly tell you that my feet LOOK different before and after surgery. In fact, I didn’t recognize my feet initially after the surgery. I didn’t have the “duck feet”, but they were significantly flat before and visibly so. After the surgery, they look like nice normal feet, the kind you see in the Dr. Scholls “gelling” commercial :). I still have a little bit of the toes grasping the floor thing, and I am very cognizant of this when walking barefoot. The slight soreness I had first thing in the morning has now disappeared completely.

    My feet don’t look any different today, 6-8 mos after the surgery, than did right post-op. As expressed with the email I sent you, I don’t know what size stent was used on me, but I haven’t yet expressed any pain that I have attributed to dislocation of the stent or wrong size stent. I hope someone else reading this blog is able to respond to your comment. Thanks again.

  19. John Says:

    THanks Kari,

    Will let you know how things turn out.

    To anyone reading this please let me know what size stent you have had implanted. 6,7,8,9,10?

    Thanks, J.

  20. Jeannie Says:

    Hi, I had the same procedure done on my left foot. After having the implant for several months I had to have it removed. Whenever I stepped down from a stair or higher elevation I felt a pain from the area in which the implant was placed. My doc said I had to have it removed because I was not tolerating it. I was suppose to have both feet done originally and now live with the daily pain of tendonitis on both feet. I have had orthotics made and wear them on a daily basis and this does not help at all. Did you have any probs? Also, did your doc cut the muscle/tendon on the bottom of your calve muscle? I now have a 2 inch scar on the bottom of my calf muscle and everytime I flex it the scar sinks in. I hate it. I have not heard of doc doing this surgery having to make that cut in calve.

    • karishop Says:

      Hi Jeannie! Thanks for sharing your experiences! I am so sorry to hear about your situation! I am sure you’re not the only person that didn’t tolerate it; the doctor had warned of the possibility of this, but thankfully my experience has been positive so far. I don’t have any problems post-op currently. My doctor definitely didn’t cut any muscles or tendons on my calves. In fact, my calves were not touched at all for the surgery. I have a 1.5-2″ scar on each foot right where the incision was done right underneath that bone (not sure of the name), but that’s about it. People have assumed it’s a tattoo or something; I started using a topical ointment to lighten the scar but haven’t been regular about applying it.

      Your situation sounds really strange. Have you seen another doctor about this? Why did the doctor cut the muscle on your calve? He shouldn’t have had to go in there to remove the implant on your foot…Please keep us updated. Thanks again, Kari.

  21. Roxanne Says:

    Hi drapeguy,

    My arches didn’t really look different until about 3-4 weeks after the surgery, but I have really wide feet (bone structure wise), and I had a heck of a lot of swelling. Once the swelling eased up and the soreness started to subside, that’s when the arches became more defined–probably because I started to walk more normally and the tendons and ligaments supporting the arch started to shift. I also had very flexible feet (this is what causes the over pronation), and after the surgery, I no longer had that, and that’s how it should be! The stent actually prevents that excessive flexibility, which is what causes the arches to fall. You had two procedures done at once on that foot, so the swelling is going to be more severe for you. and will take longer to subside. Just give the stent a chance to really work before making any judgements.

    John, I’m sorry to hear the implant isn’t working well for you, and I also recommend getting a second opinion. I took a rather large stent–a size 9 I believe, because the flexibility I had was really excessive. My doctor actually tried several different sizes of stents before choosing the larger one. It sounds like your doctor might not have actually tested the stents during surgery, and if it’s not large enough, the over pronation won’t be corrected all the way. So, yes, get a second opinion! A good doctor for this is one who has done this procedure at least 25 times. Also ask for patient references.

    I’m into my 3rd month post-op, and I have very little pain (just a little soreness after spending 10 hours on my feet, which is expected). I have small, but well defined arches now, and my feet are still sensitive, but even that is starting to ease up.

  22. Roxanne Says:

    Oh! Also wanted to add that walking on the sides of your feet (supination–which is what initially happens until you get used to the corrected walking position) is the strangest feeling in the world for me! Getting used to the corrected walking gait was the hardest part for me. The sides of my feet got sore really fast (wasn’t used to the pressure exerted on that side of the foot), so it was a good while before I could walk and stand on my feet for 6+ hours. 9 hours is about my limit right now, and then I’m just done. The last 1-2 hours of my shift at work are the hardest to get through still, my endurance is improving though, so that’s all that matters.

  23. Roxanne Says:

    Oh! Also wanted to add that walking on the sides of your feet (supination–which is what initially happens until you get used to the corrected walking position) is the strangest feeling in the world for me! Getting used to the corrected walking gait was the hardest part for me. The sides of my feet got sore really fast (wasn’t used to the pressure exerted on that side of the foot), so it was a good while before I could walk and stand on my feet for 6+ hours. 9 hours is about my limit right now, and then I’m just done. The last 1-2 hours of my shift at work are the hardest to get through still, my endurance is improving though, so that’s all that matters.

  24. John Says:

    Hi Roxanne,

    Thank you very much for taking time to response. Want to ask you if you live in florida and if so would you tell me the doctor that you went to. Also curious to know what size shoe you wear(not sure if that makes a difference) You can use my email address if you want. Which is

    Thanks again.

    Would appreciate hearing from anyone who knows what size stent they had implanted.

  25. Drapeguy Says:

    Hi again, Roxanne,
    Thanks for your response. I have my four week appt. with Dr. tomorrow (6/15/09) I have made mention to him on my last appt. last week that I was very pleasd with the bunion work I had, but, to be honest with, I wasnt very excited about the arch implant part. I mean, I ‘m tolerating just fine, alsmost didnt think it was even there. But, it is. However, After looking at every website on Hyprocure, every Forum page & before and after images. I was so expecting a more “dramatic” change in appearance in the arch, similar to what Karishop, above, described. Seems like everyone else seems to be having these results.
    Before I had this done, I did talk to my Dr. about having a real , normal arches for the fist time in my life. . He did say that while there would be some difference expected, he couldnt guarantee the cosmetic change that would occur. Of course, in my head I’m thinking about the images of all those “dramatic” results. I figured I was a prime candidate for this result. I have always been able to self correct and make arches appear quite strongly. I thought the implant would make it stay that way. I guess I was wrong. Last week he then took weight bearing xrays. He was sure that when I saw the internal improvements that were present, I’d be less dissappointed. Yes, there were some ‘line of force’ and weight bearing changes, but, to me, it seemed like there could be room for improvement and maybe that is where the “look” I was hoping for exists.
    I have flexible flat foot, too. Doc told me that some pronation is necessary. That I understand totally, learned that with all my research. I just thnk there is still too much movement. He then said to maybe wait for swelling and maybe strenthen the muscle etc.. and maybe it’ll help. He said if I wasnt happy then, he’d discuss up sizing the implant. He used a 7mm stent rather than an 8mm because it somehow made my foot slant in some way. He didnt really explain or demonstrate beyond that. So, I just resigned myself that this may be as good as it gets.
    I dont know what to think or how to feel about it. Maybe my Doc is right. Maybe I have some work to do change the arches more with exercises. Then I ask myself, would he admit it if he undersized me to begin with? Though he didnt dismiss the idea of an upsize and said we could talk about at some point. I guess, Rox, is I feel disappointed, a bit deflated, too. To have been through all that and have such marginal visible result just sucks. I will talk to him again about it tomorrow, but, I always feel like I’m insulting his expertise and I know I shouldnt feel that was. He is a good Doc. I researched him well. He even teaches Hyprocure seminars in my city. He is most cerainly experienced. Not dissapointed in him, just the arch, or lack of one post op. I guess I feel I’ll always have flat feet and the selfconciousness that goes with it. Myaybe others out there have anything to add or had similar result?
    Again, thanks Roxanne, for reading and responding to my whiney blather. You are helping by telling of your experience with your own arches not showing .. Oh, I hope that mine show up soon and put all this dissapointment away. Then I can do my other foot….one thing at a time, I know. Bye for now.. Drapeguy

  26. Amy Says:

    I just read your blog with great interest. I had the hyprocure implant for my left foot 9 days ago. I have flexible flat foot, plantar fasciitis (three years) and posterior tibial tendonitis. with pain by the accessory navicular and shooting pains in my arch. I had been wearing custom orthotics for three years. They worked for about 2 1/2 years but as my arch continued to drop, the left orthotic stopped controlling my symptoms although they were well made.

    My doctor told me not to take even one step without the boot. I wore a surgical shoe to bed so if I had to use the bathroom, I didn’t have to put the boot on. I was given percocet for pain. I took it for the first few days. I had the surgery on Friday and just sat in my recliner and iced and elevated for three days. I was able to get around to the bathroom with crutches and minimal weight bearing on the surgical foot. My husband took care of food, household things and the dog. On Monday, I went to the doctor for a post of check. He said that the incision looked great (swollen and bruised to me). He took exrays to check the position of the stent and said that it looked perfect. I went back to work in the afternoon and took it slow….icing and elevating as much as possible. I am wearing the boot and have crutches at work to use as needed. Of course things would have been easier if I had been able to stay at home for a week or two. Right now, 9 days post op, I make it through the day at work only icing two or three times and with minimal use of the crutches. At times, I have only minimal discomfort, but at times, the surgical area starts to kind of spasm and I rip the boot off and ice for awhile. I am seeing the doctor again in two days. He wants me to bring sneakers to my next visit. At nine days, did you still experience stiffness, moderate pain in the side of the ankle that has the implant? Did you experience periodic spasming? How long out from the surgery are you now? How much discomfort do you feel? Could you go for a two or three mile walk (flat ground) and do normal activities? Do you still wear orthotics in the shoe? I would love to have a wider selection of shoes that I can wear.

    My doctor told me that if I had the surgery on Friday, I would be able to return to work on Monday as long as I could modify the amount of walking. While I keep reminding myself that I am only 9 days post op, I am kind of frustrated that I still have to modify my daily activities so much and that I still am experiencing ankle pain. I just hope that I will be thrilled with the results in the next few weeks. My other foot is not wonderful and if this foot works out, I would seriously consider my right foot. Of course, I will not be able to drive for a week or two if I wear a boot on my right foot.

    • drapeguy Says:

      Hi Amy,
      Thanks for writing. Our situations are simial, yet, a bit different. I have flexible flat feet too, my whole life. I had developed a bunion right foot which needed surgicla repair. At the same time I had the Hyprocure implant done, too. I’ll say that the implant part of it all has been the easier of the two procedures. I told my Dr. that I didnt think he even put it in my ankle because I didnt feel much discomfort. lol.. he xrayed and showed me that it was, in fact, there and I was tolerating it well. I was a bit concerned that my foot didnt look all that different and thought an upsize might be warranted. He said to wait a while for swelling to go down, also, xrays showed a real solid correction in alignment of the foot and that cosmetic appearance was not the main goal. He also told me that he would consider upsizing my stent, BUT, not after 6 to 10 months. He told me that because I was flat footed my whole life that the muscles, tendons and soft tissues needed time get past the swelling stage and retrain themselves to doing the job they were now askede to do. He told me there was a good possibility that my arch would become strigner and more evident over time and walking. Exercises, he suggested, will help this process. Only then would he entertain an upsize and I agreed with him. I guess upsizing isnt too difficult and woudnt be as bad as initial surgical placement on the stent.
      So, I was using cruthches for a week or so, experimenting with light weight bearing, but, onloy until two weeks past was I able to use a cane to get around the house. At two weeks I was able to shower standing up with full weight bearing on the foot, but, of course ,being very careful to move slowly and step lightly.
      Again, the bunion recovery was going on all the while,so, I was icing and elevating religeously for the first three weeks. Now, I ice three or four times a day and take ibuprofen four times a day.
      i had my fourth week follow up appt yesterday and he said I was doing very well. I stillhave some swelling at incisions, which is thypical. I drove myself to the doctor’s office. I was able to drive after three weeks, once I could wera a loose sneaker.
      Our work situations and surgeries are bit different, as I said. This made it necessary for me to take an 8 week leave from work so i could focus on more thorough recovery. Doc says I can return to ‘light duty’ tasks on a limited weekly schedule in another two weeks, but, doesnt want me to go full time and task until another month. My work is pretty foot and ladder intensive, so, he’s trying to keep me from going back too soon.
      Funny thing happened yesterday, though. Here I wasnt seeing any real changes outwardly, but, I was out in my driveway watering my garden. I was barefoot, stepped through a puddle and was pretty amazed at my wet footprint. My arch print was very clearly present. This proved further that am internal change had taken place with the stent and that with some exercises to help awaken my arch muscles that never really got used when I was flat footed. Needless to say, i was pleased to see this new evidence that things were, indeed, better than I thought.
      Anyway, I usually walk around the house, up and down stairs, walked at the mall and even went to a major league ball game in the city last week. i used my aircast, but, only for a couple outings. Mostly, I wear a loose sneaker and compression stocking. I only get discomfort from any swelling that comes on after being on my feet for a while. So, i ice and ibu and elevate and Im fine. Doc says swelling will take a bit longer to go away, but, it’s normal.
      Im babblin’ now, so I’ll wrap up this thread by saying, “keep up the good aftercare and dont lose hope. It’ll keep getting better. Meanwhile, take care and thanks for your entry.


    • drapeguy Says:

      ps.. mistyped a line above… i meant to say the the dr. wont talk about upsize UNTIL six to ten months have passed. Only then can we deside what may really be necessary, if anything at all.

      • Kari Says:


        See, sounds like you’re making some REAL progress! Considering the extent of you activity, it sounds like you’re doing really great! I am glad that time is demonstrating the success of your surgery. And your wet footprint proved that your arch is indeed visible! πŸ™‚ The swelling will go down considerably in the next few weeks! Just moving about more will increase your tolerance. It sounds like you’re doing pretty great despite the swelling. Thanks for informing us of your progress. Continue to keep us posted! πŸ™‚ good luck again!


  27. Roxanne Says:


    Sorry, I don’t live in Florida; I live in Colorado.


    I’m still seeing changes in my arches even now. I have a smaller arches than most other people, but they are becoming more and more defined as the weeks go by. I am DEFINITELY NOT over pronating anymore; that i can tell just by walking around. I was never self-conscious about my flat-feet. They just hurt like hell all the time, so if the surgery could get rid of the pain and let me walk normally and have a normal life, then I didn’t (and don’t) care what they look like, just as long as the correction is being made.


    I had stiffness and pain in both ankles for about 5 weeks each; the first 10 days was the worse of the pain, then it began to lesson rather quickly as my ankles got stronger (the stiffness and pain is from never used/underused tendons and legimants). I was on crutches for about 5 weeks (had both ankles done a week apart from each other), but I was in a regular sneaker for each foot at about 10 days post-op. Whatever side your non-dominant foot is (for me it was my left foot) that will be the foot that will be the weakest and will take the longest to recover. To help strengthen my left ankle, I swam several times a week and did physical therapy exercises. I also was on Celabrex for about a month to decrease swelling and pain in my left foot. My right foot I had almost no problems with (stronger foot as I am right side dominant), and within 10 days post-op I was in a sneaker and had just minor pain in that ankle.

    There’s no sense in getting frustrated at 9 days post-op. On average it takes people about 6 weeks to fully recover to normal walking activities (took me about 7 weeks).

    Now that I’m basically recovered, I can wear just about any shoe that fits me correctly. I found the shape of my foot changed after the surgeries and that some of the shoes I had worn before were now too tight. I now need shoes with plenty of toe room as I seem to have a slightly wider foot now—weird!
    I only have to wear my orthotics in my work shoes, but that’s because I stand and walk on my feet for 10-12 hours a day. From what I know, most people who have normal desk type jobs and who aren’t marathon walkers/runners no longer need orthotics–unless you have some other type of foot condition besides over-pronation.

  28. Amy Says:

    I am now 15 days post op. I used to wear finn comfort but as my arch became worse, I couldn’t tolerate the footbed. Well, I just dug my finns out of the closet and they feel wonderful!!!!! I have been wearing them all day. What a pleasure!!! I am most likely going to get my other foot done. I just want to wait a few weeks to see how I am doing then.

    I still find that when I pivot, the area by the implant hurts and sometimes when I get up from bed or after sitting a long time, my ankle hurts for the first several steps but then gets better. Has anyone else experienced this??

  29. drapeguy Says:

    Hi Roxanne,
    Thanks for the replies, again. So, so I’m clear on what you’re saying,
    Your arches were slight post op, then they began to get more pronounced are you got into the second month or so, and they are still improving. Is that right? Also, you say you’ re not over pronating any longer. Is this to say that right after your surgery you had a some amount of normal pronation, but, not over pronating as before surgery?
    I went ot my Dr. for four week post op visit. We discussed my concern of undercorrection. He told me he sees what I see, still some excess pronating motion, though half what I had before implant. He said he’d do am upsize, if needed, but, only after 6 to 8 months post op. he told me that the muscle and tendons would take time to strengthen and perhaps the arch would look more pronounced. He also agreed that there may be more correction to be had as we are also trying to keep a corrected bunion, done at same time, from excess pronation that may aggrivate or undermine the bunion correction. So, we’ll wait and see. Meanwhile, I ‘ll find exercises I can do to help the arch development. Maybe that will help.

    Hi Amy,
    I definately had a little twinge of discomfort at your stage in the game. I’m now five weeks out and I get some stiffness and a little soreness upon waking, goes away fast. Also, I do get a twinge if I plant my foot and then try to turn my leg while foot is planted. I’m pretty sure this is quite normal at your this point, too. I think you have to give it more time. I know that one of the upsides to this procedure are shorter recuperation, but, I think it take a little longer than the stent maker says, also, everyone is different and sticks to the aftercare program differently. All you can do is be dilligent in your icing, elevating, gentl movement, low salt to mitigate swelling and, good ole ibuprofen. Just know that the better the foot feels, the more you’ll try to do, and then get more discomfort, then it’ll feel better, etc… The cycle continues, but, gets less and less up and down as you get beyond the fist month or two
    Hope tihs helps.


  30. Amy Says:


    Thanks for your response.

    twinge if I plant my foot and then try to turn my leg while foot is planted.

    This sounds a lot like me. I know what you mean when you say that it is easy to overdo and then pay for it. Last night, my ankle was more swollen than it had been the past few days. I guess when you start to feel pretty good, it is easy to forget that you had recently had surgery. I guess that I am doing pretty well so far. I have to remember that I am only 16 days out of surgery.

  31. drapeguy Says:

    Hi Amy,

    Yes, you are still only in your third week. At that point, for me, I was so bored with sitting around, icing and elevating, so, I kinda pushed myself to get more mobile even before my Dr. said to start moving the ankle and working toward full weight bearing. He said I could do first post op x rays til I could weight bear. This was my incenctive to keep pushing myself. I ws afraid if i didnt get the foot moving sooner, rather than later, I may have gotten so stiff it would be more painful to get it moving weeks after surgery. I do have to keep in mind that the implant still has to grow into its space. My Dr. wants me to wait on certain types of exercise, some yoga particularly. I thought this would be a great form of exercise to halp me overall, not just the foot. He said to wait a few more weeks, he’d tell me whenI could try some yoga. As I said in previous postings, I have a bunion repair also healing and limits me a bit. I still have some swelling at surgical sites. This is undoubtedly added to by my increasing activity and also my overactivity at times as the foot heals and boredom urges me to get up and move more.
    I’m hoping Doc gives me the green light to start looking into a beginners yoga class. Probably not for another few weeks. I go back to Dr. first week in July. Chat with ya…


  32. Amy Says:

    My doctor took X-rays my last appointment and told me that I can ditch the boot and walk in a regular sneaker. I have been working during the entire recovery, taking a day off for the surgery and resting the weekend. I took the morning off on Monday to see the doctor and then went into work during the afternoon. The doctor said that I could do normal walking which is what I have been doing. I am going to a late lunch with my husband and kids for father’s day but other than that, I plan to take it real easy and ice and elevate. If it is still this swollen, I will call the doctor tomorrow.

  33. Roxanne Says:

    Drapeguy wrote:

    “Thanks for the replies, again. So, so I’m clear on what you’re saying,
    Your arches were slight post op, then they began to get more pronounced are you got into the second month or so, and they are still improving. Is that right? Also, you say you’ re not over pronating any longer. Is this to say that right after your surgery you had a some amount of normal pronation, but, not over pronating as before surgery?”

    Correct on both questions! You’ll know when you’re not over-pronating anymore, because when you start to walk normally without crutches you’ll be walking more on the sides of your feet (supinating), and not pushing off from your big toe when you walk. Because I have never walked normally in my life (genetically flatfooted), when I started supinating normally, the sides of my feet ached constantly. I’m just now starting to get used to the feeling. It’s kind of like learning to walk all over again! I don’t have any pain in the sinus tarsi where the implants are and only some minor twinges in my ankles. When I first started to walk normally, I had just a little bit of over-pronation (which was a 90% improvement from before the surgery!), but as my ankles and arches got stronger, this went away. It’s going to take some time for your foot and ankle to adapt to the correction, so you may not see a 100% correction immediately. I think this varies from person to person, because each person’s foot is shaped differently, so I agree with your doctor when he suggests waiting 6-8 months before re-evaluating the size of the implant. About 3 weeks after surgery, my doctor resized my orthotics to fit the new shape of my foot, and I think that wearing my orthotics has helped the arches adapt to the corrected walking position. I would suggest getting new orthotics or have your existing ones resized. They will help to support the foot as it adjusts. My doctor thinks that I most likely won’t have to wear my orthotics forever, maybe just for the first year. I can feel my dependancy on them lessoning in my right foot, but not yet in my left foot. Keep in mind that all the literature for this procedure says that an absolutely full recovery will take a full year. Recovering from the surgery enough to walk and resume normal activities will take 6-8 weeks.

  34. drapeguy Says:

    Hi Ronanne,

    Thanks for the reply. I’m glad I asked. I’m really feeling the same soreness in outer foot. I still have a little turn-in, but, as you said, much improved over the overpronation I was having. This was a major factor in the bunion surgery I required. That procedure is the other “thing” my foot is dealing with. I still have some localized, but persitent swelling that doesnt help me walk as normally as I try to. I guess this swelling takes longer to go away totally. The major post op swelling is gone, though.
    It is my goal to find exercises I can do at ho me that are meant to strengthen the arch muscles and with less pronation. And do them diligently and see what I can do to help the foot along. Again, if it’s even possible to see any improvement using exercise. Only then, would I conider an upsize. I agree with you and my doctor on this strategy.
    At six weeks, the whole thing’s starting to get kinda tired. I just want to wake up and have my foot back to normal. I’m sure you can relate.

    take care til next time…

    • mhabeel Says:


      In about two weeks or so I am going to have a hyprocure implant as well as bunion surgery on my right foot. I am not having either surgery on my left foot. Can you please let me know what you would have done differently maybe to speed up the process of healing. I know everyone is different, but right now I lead a pretty hectic high impact lifestyle (I swing dance, run etc.) and would love to get back to that as soon as humanly possible. I wouldn’t even bother with surgery, but my right foot and knee feel sporadic pain that I’ve learned to ignore in order to do what I enjoy, but seems to be getting worse over time. Any info or tips will be greatly appreciated.

      Also anyone else with tips please feel free to respond!!!!


  35. Amy Says:

    I am now three weeks post op. The spasms in my arch are about 90% relieved; however the posterior tibial tendon continues to hurt to the touch, especially at the insertion site. I go though periods of time that I have a throbbing sensation by the tendon (accessory navicular)while just sitting. The doctor said that he is happy with the correction achievede. My husband could see a difference. Now when I stand, you can see an arch instead of the foot completely flatening. Today my husband and I walked the dogs for about 1/2 hour with no major foot pain. I am now icing my foot as a precaution. I just started pt to strengthen/stretch. The doctor wants to help my foot adjust to the new mechanics and normalize my gait. Is it normal for the irritation by the insertion site to continue three weeks post op? If the surgery has worked, how long should it take for the pain by the posterior tibial tendon to start to wane? When I start to walk after sitting for any period of time, my foot is quit sore (kind of crampy and spasms) when I first walk. This can last for up to five minutes before subsiding. Is this normal? Will it improve with time.

    • Kari Says:

      Hi Amy. Considering you are 3 weeks post op and able to walk on your feet without major pain for a half hour, it sounds to me like you are doing just fine. Remember that recovery varies from person to person and that there is no such thing as “normal” recovery time. It took me much longer than 3 weeks to recover to the point that I was on my feet as long as you are, though I had very little pain on the recovery site. My ankles were sore for a very long while, like 4-6 weeks.

      I had the same thing that you describe, slight spasms, when I woke up in the morning and this has just gone away the last 2 months or so (I had my surgery end of Aug last year). For about 4 months, I would start my morning with 2 ibuprofens (200 mg each), which my dr said was just fine. I would recommend the same for you.

      Let us know how your improvements go. πŸ™‚


  36. Julia Says:

    I am having bunion surgery this Friday. I have a stage 4 Bunion on my left foot, so my doctor is doing the big toe bone as well as shortening the second toe bone. He tells me my bunions have been exacerbated by my pronation, so he is giving me an ankle stent as well….

    Some questions I have for all of you (and THANK YOU FOR THIS BLOG!!!):

    1. My doctor told me to take 1000 mg of Vitamin C -3 times a day, as well as 400 mg of Vitamin E -three times a day, and a bit of extra Zinc.

    He says this shgould help me heal better.

    Does anyone have any other ideas for faster more efficent healing?

    2. Does the ankle stent make your ankles larger in any way? I am afraid of the cosmetic appearance later on. (yes I am vain!)

    3. I do yoga as well as run. Has the stent gotten in anyone’s way in these activities?

    Many thanks for the great blog- and all of your responses!

  37. hyprocurefeet Says:

    Hi Kari,
    I’m so happy to find this blog! I had the surgery done about 5 months ago too. Before I had the surgery, I couldn’t find very much information at all about it but I decided to go through with it anyway and it’s been very successful. My case is a bit different than yours- my left foot had been extremely painful for a very long time. I never thought it would be better. I’m still in some pain while I walk but it’s decreasing.

    I have a blog too that I recently made but it doesn’t show up on google. It’s if you or anyone else is interested in reading it.

    So far your blog is the only detailed account of the surgery on the internet that I can find! Hopefull mine will help people too so they can see how it’s different case by case.

    Thank you,

  38. Derek A. Stewart Says:

    I am 19 years old, I am an EMT and Firefighter for the State of Ohio, I am going to college to become an RN and then Doctor and I was recently diagnosed with hyperpronation of both feet with abnormal gait upon ambulation.

    I am 5 days Post Op. (Surgery on July 29, 2009) from the hyprocure stent (subtalor arthreoiesis) implant. For the first few days Post Op., I was on Percocet 5mg q.4h (every 4 hours) for the first 24h after surgery and p.r.n. (as needed) after that followed up with 400mg ibuprofen every 12h (morning and night).

    Because I did not like taking narcotic pain meds, and I had a Post Op. visit today at the doctor’s office, I asked about some non-narcotic pain medications. I was also having frequent muscle spasms in both legs and occasionally in my Left foot where my stent was. He wrote me two perscriptions one for Flexeril 10mg every 12 hours which acts as a muscle relaxer and one for Ultram 50mg every 8h which is a non narcotic pain meds. So far, the muscle spasms have diminished to nearly zero and the pain is a very minor dull pain.

    I was ordered to start moving my foot slowly when the pain meds kicked in. I was to take my foot out of the camwalker(moon boot), elevate it, and slowly work on moving my toes, and very slowly and smoothly my ankle in flexing it. So far, I have been able to wiggle my toes without that much pain, but still no luck on the flexion of my ankle.

    I am scheduled to start applying light weight with the camwalker and crutches on Aug 6. On August 14, pending no complications, and proper healing of the incision, I am scheduled to have my sutures removed.

    Thats about all right now, I will try to keep everybody updated as progress continues. Thanks to the creator of this site! Feel free to email for any questions or comments! Thanks again!


    Derek A. Stewart
    19 y/o SouthEast Ohio

  39. Anna Says:


    I am 43 year old women from north of Europe. I am glad to find this blog:)

    I am born with flexible flatfoot and I overpronate. I want to undergoe surgery to correct my feet and I find hyprocure and Dr. Rooth on internet. Did anyone of you know him and his procedure? Or did you know about the doc in Europe who use hyprocure? I will be happy if you had time to answer me:)

  40. Roxanne Says:

    Amy wrote:

    “Is it normal for the irritation by the insertion site to continue three weeks post op? If the surgery has worked, how long should it take for the pain by the posterior tibial tendon to start to wane? When I start to walk after sitting for any period of time, my foot is quit sore (kind of crampy and spasms) when I first walk. This can last for up to five minutes before subsiding. Is this normal? Will it improve with time.”

    The pain around the insertion site can last awhile. My left foot was so week that this pain lasted until I went on a course of Celebrex for 4 weeks, about 7 weeks after the surgery on that foot. From what I gather, this type of pain results from a weak tendon that becomes inflamed from the unfamiliar exertion placed on it. Celebrex and icing are recommended to relieve the pain until the tendon adjusts. The stiffness you experience after standing up after sitting or lying down for a while is completely normal and will lesson with time. I’m now 5 months post op, and I still have stiffness in both ankles. My doctor said it could a full year to 14 months for this to completely go away. This is a normal part of the recovery process of the tendons and ligaments adjusting to the new position and walking gate, and will lesson as time goes on. Now, for me, this stiffness just lasts a few seconds.

    Sorry for the late reply! I have had one hell of a summer. My condo flooded after a sub pump failed during a severe rain storm. That was trip! Packing, moving, and climbing stairs endlessly really beat my ankles into shape!

  41. Amy Says:

    My implant had pushed out a bit, causing a ridge/swelling by the implant and greatly increased pain by the accesory navicular. At 12 weeks post op, I had the hyprocure implant removed and a modified kidner performed. It turned out that the tendon had several tears and one area was shredded which was much worse than indicated on the mri. The doctor was able to succcessfuly repair the tendon. I am now two weeks past the kidner, and in a cast non-weight bearing for another week. I have NO post op pain. I am just so sick of getting around on crutches – non weight bearing. Once the cast if off, I will be in a boot a few weeks and start physical therapy.

  42. Pete Says:

    Hi all, i’ve been in touch with Dr. Paul Clint Jones out of Spokane and we’ll be meeting with him next week. My son has just turned 4 and we’re hoping to get this surgery done for him. I’ve noted that some doctors won’t consider the implant for kids under 14 and another clinic said around 10 would be their lower limit. I’m very hopeful yet apprehensive and worried at the same time!

  43. Roxanne Says:

    Good Luck, Amy!

  44. Andrew Says:

    Hey guys, thanks for the information on your surgeries. I am looking at getting the surgery done to both feet in a few weeks and am very nervous. Maybe you guys can help me to decide whether or not it is the right decision for me…
    I am 22 and have been in pain for about 4 years. My flat feet are probably average, I have seen worse, but I have alot of knee, hip and back pain and discomfort. I also have poor alignment and am very tight when I walk or run. I am very active and athletic, and am looking to compete in boxing, but my body is holding me back from doing the things I love to do.
    If any of you have had similiar symptoms, have you seen much improvement with pain and alignment? How long before I can return to training 100%? My doctor says approximately 6-8 weeks.
    My main problem is more curved spine and tight back, but I dont feel I can help my back until my flat feet are fixed, any thoughts?
    Sorry for so many questions but I am desperate haha, thanks.

  45. Sue Phillips Says:

    Am sitting around looking for things to do whilst resting my foot having had a hyprocure implant 3 days ago. I am delighted to have stumbled across this blog and although it is a bit scary reading about some of the things that could/have gone wrong, it is really reassuring that the weird sensations I have been feeling are ‘normal’. All the literature led me to believe that I would be back to normal fairly quickly although my Podiatrist did say that it could be 6 weeks. I am having the second foot done in 4 days time mainly because my consultant and I feel that if I am going to have to sit around doing not a lot then I may as well be nursing both and get it over and done with quickly.
    I am also having both big toes operated on because of osteoarthritis on one and a bunion on the other and so will be delighted to finally end up with ankles/toes that don’t hurt when I walk.
    The only down-side to all of this is that the hyprocure operations are not covered by the NHS (I live in England) and most of the private insurers won’t cover it. I just didn’t want to wait years to have the bunions and arthritis done (one of the problems with the NHS) so in all it has cost me around Β£13,000.

  46. Nicole Says:

    Hi everybody,
    a podiatrist recommend the Hyrocure implants for my son’s very flat feet. He is 14, and can’t really walk or run for a long time before his feet start to hurt.
    I have an appointment to get a second opinion and am still looking for “the perfect doctor”. We live in Florida, so if anybody has a recommendation, I would appreciate it.We would also consider going out-of-state if we find a better doc there.

  47. kim Says:

    Hi Kari,

    I’m very intrigued by this procedure and would do about anything to fix my pronation gripes! My biggest one being sentenced to an orthodic in a huge, ugly white tennis shoe. I’m young, active and want to wear high heel boots πŸ™‚

    Can you run now? Can you wear any shoe you want with comfort? Is this permanent? Where did you have this done?

    Thanks for the valuable info. Kim

  48. Howard Says:

    Thank you all for posting your experiences with the the Hyprocure. While I have had “elastic” flat feet since childhood it was controled with
    an othhotic. In the last five years or so the pain has showed up in my ankles. While no one had that problem exactly you all have given me some hope that this procedure will help.

  49. Derek A. Stewart Says:

    I am writing about my Hyprocure procedue again as I previously had written above. My podiatrists have come to the conclusion that my hyprocure procedure failed and it ended up causing a stress fracture. On November 20, 2009, the implant was removed without complication and I am now on the road to recovery for my fracture on my dorsoanterior aspect of my talus. I am about 34 hours post-op from the excision of my implant. I will be back at a later date to write a more detailed explanation.

  50. Lisa Says:

    I’m considering a Hyprocure for my very flat feet + posterior tibial tendon issues. I am planning to get pregnant soon (am planning to start fertility treatments in 2010 after trying for more than a year). I am wondering if anyone has suggestions on whether it would be better to get the stents in before or after pregnancy? I know feet can change for the worse during pregnancy. I don’t want them to get worse, but I also don’t want to have them change in such a way that the implants would be affected in a bad way. I have not seen anything about this subject, anywhere. Also, I live in CA and was wondering if anyone has had this done with Dr. David Francis or Dr. Tracy Ferragamo or anyone else in CA? Any comments are much appreciated.

  51. Aftebytut Says:

    Seems like you are a real specialist. Did you study about the subject? lawl

    • karishop Says:

      Nope I am not a specialist, but I am definitely one of those people that like to keep informed, esp if I am undergoing ANY surgeries or procedures to my body! πŸ™‚

  52. Olive Says:

    Hi Kari, are you able to run now? I want to have my flat foot fixed because I really want to be able to do triathlon minus the pain. Also, lately, when I wear high heels my hips hurts. It did not used to be this way but I noticed that as I grow older, it is getting worst. I am not 31 years old and is considering hyprocure.

    I would really appreciate your reply. Thanks for this blog.

  53. Shosh Says:

    Hi There!

    I just wondered how you were all getting on with your hyprocure implants? I have just found this web blog, whilst doing extensive research on the internet into this procedure. I too am severely flat footed, have been all my life, and have to wear orthotics 100% of the time or i get pain in my right foot/ankle, i can only wear trainers or supportive shoes (Dr Marten boots, not very glamorous!) and i have posterior tibial tendon damage. Its a long story, which i’m happy to share but just don’t know if any of you are still on this blog. I am just after advice about the surgery as i don’t know enough about how it effects patients a year or so after having it done. There isn’t much info out there on real life cases, just on the procedure itself. I look forward to hearing from you!


  54. thomas Says:

    Since no one has written on this blog since Sept 09, I’m not sure if anyone will even read this.

    I had my left foot done Dec 10, 2009 (size 6). I was told to not walk on it without a boot for the first few days but after that, try to use as normally as possible. At 9 days I was walking pretty good. At 11 days I could not put any weight on it at all. I had an appt with the doctor on day 14 so I just waited and kept it elevated. When I told Dr. of my pain, he sent me for vascular imaging. It seems that a blood clot had developed in my calf so I spent 4 days in the hospital including Christmas Day. I began taking measurements of my calfs and the left would measure 2.5″ larger than the right at night. It would go down about an inch while I slept but swell again during the day. I started wrapping my calf with a large ace bandage and this got the swelling under control. My foot was really swollen, not just the ankle so I couldn’t get regular shoes on. I ended up buying a shoe 2 sizes too big and extra wide. All of this really put me behind on recovery. I do not have access to a pool and I must continue working so I found some simple exercises that I can do at my desk. I remove my shoe and work my foot into as many different positions as I can. I do this as often as possible and it really helps with flexibility.

    The surgery for the right foot took place one week ago today on Feb 18, 2010 (size 8). The left foot was not completely healed but my window of opportunity was getting pretty narrow so I had to proceed. My luck isn’t so good, I started feeling a pain down the outside of my right foot and into the 4th toe whenever I iced. I also felt it if my foot came down in the wrong position. I mentioned this to the Dr. at the 4 day post op appt and he said it sounded like a nerve. We are going to give it some time to see if it was stretched and will repair itself. It has been a challenge walking since both feet hurt. Crutches help but aren’t the solution. Exercises seem to do more good than anything since there is no impact.

    My suggestion to anyone who is going to go thru this is to build as much leg muscle as possible prior to surgery and then do a combination of bearing and non bearing exercises following. Keep the ankle moving as much as possible and be aware of any pains. Since I was laid up with the clot and its recovery, I noticed a lot of atrophy in the calf muscles. I cannot give a recommendation to go thru this surgery since I am not healed but the pain I was experiencing before we did this really left me no options.

    I will try to follow up on the post in a couple months.

    • karishop Says:

      Hi Thomas! People are still reading the blog, I promise you! I am still getting frequent emails and it’s Feb 2010! I am glad people are getting some real information from all of you! Please keep posting your stories and comments! Thanks to everyone who has participated! πŸ™‚

  55. lakelady Says:

    Very interesting reading all these stories about the Hyprocure. I’ve had a ruptured posterior tibial tendon for years, and my arch has become flatter and flatter, leaving me with pain, deformity, and a noticeable limp. Now my knee on that leg has become swollen and very painful because of the malalignment caused by my hyperpronating foot.

    I went to an orthopedic surgeon about six years ago to ask what could be done. The answer? A tendon transfer, calcaneal osteotomy, and/or fusing my ankle. I didn’t like those options, so I started researching online. I found that podiatrists do a procedure in which they insert an implant in the ankle that keeps it from hyperpronating. I had the insert put in, as well as surgery to correct a bunion and reattach my ruptured posterior tibial tendon. Six weeks off my feet completely. Two days before I was ready to be up walking again, I tripped over the strap on my walking boot, which torqued my ankle and caused the stent to pop out. I couldn’t believe it. So the doctor removed the stent and performed a calcaneal osteotomy to realign my heel to give me more stability in the foot. It helped minimally.

    That generation of stent was apparently very unreliable and would probably have popped out on its own at some point. I’m told that the Hyprocure is much more likely to stay put. So now the same podiatrist wants to put one of those in me (along with taking out all the old screws from the last surgery).

    I went to an orthopedic surgeon for a second opinion, and he was so strongly against the stent that now I don’t know what to do. He said they always fail and the only thing that will help me is a triple arthrodesis (fusing my foot/ankle in three places) and lengthening my achilles tendon. Six MONTH recovery for that. I can’t deal with that.

    I’m encouraged to read all your stories about the Hyprocure and would like to know if you’re all still happy with it now that you’ve had it for a while.

    If anyone’s still checking this blog, I’d appreciate your opinions.


    • karishop Says:

      Hello! Thanks for writing. I am still getting active questions in response to the blog so I do believe it’s still being read! I am one of those that believes in taking the least minimally invasive routes; therefore I was totally opposed to drilling anything in my bone etc and wanted the speediest recovery possible. That is why I opted for the stent. I am definitely very glad that I went for this procedure and believe it has enabled me to have a better quality of life. Let me know if you have any questions! πŸ™‚ Good luck!

  56. lakelady Says:

    Thanks so much for your response, karishop. My surgery was scheduled for the end of April, but some mix-up at the hospital made it so it would have to be postponed. I didn’t want recovery from the surgery to interfere with my summer, so I put it off until September. I’d still like to hear from anyone else here about how their stent is holding up after some time. Are people still happy with it?

    Thanks for any responses.

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